iphone 4 3194 error code

Fix iTunes Error 3194 When Restoring /.
iphone 4 3194 error code
iphone 4 3194 error code
I have tried this and anything and everything on the net, from recboot , to Ireb , all these things including the above directions and no luck. Fix iPhone Restore Error Code 3194, 1015.

Still doesnt work for me. Reason i am trying to back up and restore is to Unlock my phone after a 2y contract with AT&T. I have a MAC OS X 10.5.8
Question Posted by : Greg Hey guys, just a really quick question I'm not sure of. I have a jailbroken iPhone 4 4.1 with limera1n. I don't want it
How To Fix iTunes Error Code 3194 for.
iPhone Trouble Codes Iphone 4
iPad os 4.2.1 was hung on apple screen. Took several days but I figured out the following process and it worked out great for me. 1. Add the following entries into
Error 3194 – Restore via Itunes Problem.
Fix iPhone Restore Error Code 3194, 1015.
Apple iPhone: lässt andere spielend hinter sich. Jetzt bei OTTO!
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